tools – General purpose tools

Common tools for timing, data logging, and linear algebra.

Timing tools


Pauses the user program for a specified amount of time.


time (Number, ms) – How long to wait.

class StopWatch

A stopwatch to measure time intervals. Similar to the stopwatch feature on your phone.

time() int: ms

Gets the current time of the stopwatch.


Elapsed time.


Pauses the stopwatch.


Resumes the stopwatch.


Resets the stopwatch time to 0.

The run state is unaffected:

  • If it was paused, it stays paused (but now at 0).

  • If it was running, it stays running (but starting again from 0).

Input tools

read_input_byte() int | None

Reads one byte from standard input without blocking.


The numeric value of the byte read or None if no data is available.

hub_menu(symbol1, symbol2, ...) int | str

Shows a menu on the hub display and waits for the user to select an item using the buttons. Can be used in your own menu-program that lets you choose which of your other programs to run.

Note that this is just a convenience function that combines the display, buttons, and waits to make a simple menu. This means that it can be used anywhere in a program, not just at the start.

  • symbol1 (int or str) – The first symbol to show in the menu.

  • symbol2 (int or str) – The second symbol, and so on…


The selected symbol.

from import hub_menu

# This example assumes that you have three other programs in Pybricks Code,
# called "fly_mission", "drive_mission", and "zigzag". This example creates a
# menu that lets you pick which one to run.

# Choose a letter.
selected = hub_menu("F", "D", "Z")

# Based on the selection, run a program.
if selected == "F":
    import fly_mission
elif selected == "D":
    import drive_mission
elif selected == "Z":
    import zigzag

Linear algebra tools

Changed in version 3.3: These tools were previously located in the pybricks.geometry module.

class Matrix(rows)

Mathematical representation of a matrix. It supports addition (A + B), subtraction (A - B), and matrix multiplication (A * B) for matrices of compatible size.

It also supports scalar multiplication (c * A or A * c) and scalar division (A / c).

A Matrix object is immutable.


rows (list) – List of rows. Each row is itself a list of numbers.


Returns a new Matrix that is the transpose of the original.


Returns a tuple (m, n), where m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns.

vector(x, y) Matrix
vector(x, y, z) Matrix

Convenience function to create a Matrix with the shape (2, 1) or (3, 1).

  • x (float) – x-coordinate of the vector.

  • y (float) – y-coordinate of the vector.

  • z (float) – z-coordinate of the vector (optional).


A matrix with the shape of a column vector.

cross(a, b) Matrix

Gets the cross product a × b of two vectors.

  • a (Matrix) – A three-dimensional vector.

  • b (Matrix) – A three-dimensional vector.


The cross product, also a three-dimensional vector.


New in version 3.3.

Pybricks supports cooperative multitasking using the async and await keywords. This allows operations that normally take some time to complete to run in parallel with other operations.

awaitmultitask(coroutine1, coroutine2, ...) Tuple

Runs multiple coroutines concurrently. This creates a new coroutine that can be used like any other, including in another multitask statement.

  • coroutines (coroutine, coroutine, ...) – One or more coroutines to run in parallel.

  • race (bool) – Choose False to wait for all coroutines to finish. Choose True to wait for one coroutine to finish and then cancel the others, as if it’s a “race”.


Tuple of the return values of each coroutine. Unfinished coroutines will have None as their return value.


Runs a coroutine from start to finish while blocking the rest of the program. This is used primarily to run the main coroutine of a program.


coroutine (coroutine) – The main coroutine to run.

The following example shows how to use multitasking to make a robot drive forward, then turn and move a gripper at the same time, and then drive backward.

from pybricks.pupdevices import Motor
from pybricks.parameters import Direction, Port
from pybricks.robotics import DriveBase
from import multitask, run_task

# Set up all devices.
left = Motor(Port.A, Direction.COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
right = Motor(Port.B)
gripper = Motor(Port.C)
drive_base = DriveBase(left, right, 56, 114)

# Move the gripper up and down.
async def move_gripper():
    await gripper.run_angle(500, -90)
    await gripper.run_angle(500, 90)

# Drive forward, turn move gripper at the same time, and drive backward.
async def main():
    await drive_base.straight(250)
    await multitask(drive_base.turn(90), move_gripper())
    await drive_base.straight(-250)

# Runs the main program from start to finish.
class coroutine
class await

Whenever you see a function or method prefixed by await, this means that it supports multitasking. When running a coroutine with run_task, all methods and functions prefixed by await will act as coroutines.

If you don’t use multitasking, you can ignore the await keyword and write programs as usual. Specifically, when run_task is not used, functions prefixed by await will act as normal functions.